miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

The sad cats

Once upon a time there was two cats who were very very very very very very sad, so SAD that noone bought them because they looked so sad.
They were sad because they had been cruel to them, noone had given them love and their food was bad. 
So things were not good for the cats.
But one day there was one man who bought the two cats and he was happy because the two cats were so sad that he thought they needed his help.
He treated them so well and he always did play the ball and gave good food and loved them lots and then the cats were immensely happy, happier than they ever thought they could be.  Happy for their whole life. The end. By Monica.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

The colourful fish

This story is for Gerald for father's day:
Once upon a time, there was one little girl who went to the pet shop.
She saw colourful fishies there and she bought two blue ones, one purple and one green. She took them home, the fish were very hungry and she forgot to buy the fishy food of colours.  She only realized at the moment to give the fish food and she said"OH  no! I forgot the food!!" then her dad went to the pet shop and bought so much food !!! The girl gave loads of food to the fish and her dad said "Not so much!" so then they had to get some of the food out. The food was the same colour as the fish. The purple fish ate the most.
The little girl was very happy that her dad had helped her so much.
Another day her papa bought one fish for her, and it was very pretty! it was a golden fish! but now the purple fish ate the golden fish and it wasn't nice because it tasted like lemon. The end. By Monica.