lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Lily Bird and black Raven

One day, Lily bird was flying and flying.
Never stopping, so happy flying.
Lili bird went to visit black Raven.
She brought him ice cream since she loves it so much.
Her friend was so happy that invited her to his house. Then, what happened was that they had to decide who would be the winner of who's the prettiest.
So Black Raven said "Okeeeeey it's you!"
But then Lilybird said "I think you are the winner, because you are prettier than me".
Then they made a big hug and said "bye bye see you another day!"
The end.

By Monica

2 comentarios:

  1. ei Monica! I want some ice cream too! bye bye see you another day! :)

  2. Ariadna gracies per dir-ho
    T'estimo molt
    Si t'agraden els marsupilamis ... digue-ho!
