sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

Garden hair

Once upon a time there was a magnificent and beautiful tree and a little apple feel off the tree.
One girl saw the little apple and took it and said "mommy look how cute" but the mom replied "What? it is just an apple!" but the girl said " but look it's got eyes and a mouth" but the mom couldn't see it.
Then one night the apple jumped onto the bed and said "psst psst! hey little girl I'm magic but only you can see it, I never die but you must save me from the ones who want to eat me".
When she woke up she was very very tired because she hadn't slept during the night.  The girl always had her apple with her at all times
But then one day she left the apple behind and went out to play. The mom saw the beautiful apple and thought "mmmmm" then she cut the apple and in that second the apple died.
When the little girl came back she said "you killed the apple!!!!" and was sad and crossed but she ate it.
Then the girl's hair turned into a green garden, it was a hair made of plants and forever, for all her life she had garden hair.
The end.

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